ETHNIC SOUL S.L.U. Cif B-72297666
C/ Bailén 44 (Nave), 11380 Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain
+34 956 685 301 (LU-VI de 8:00 a 15:00)
Root Sunglasses® is a trademark of the company ETHNIC SOUL S.L.U. Cif B-72297666 owner of this website, publishes this privacy statement to inform their customers of the policy followed in the treatment of the data obtained from visits to
The aim of the privacy policy is to protect the confidentiality of personal data. complies expressed in the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data, Law 15/1999 of 13 December.
In we take security very seriously, we take precautions to protect customer information. All passwords are stored encrypted our site have a SSL certificate so all the data send trought our forms are encrypted. We monitor our website constantly to ensure the protection of data .
Definition and function of cookies
To analyze this browsing on our website in order to improve the supply of products or services that may ofrecemos.Asimismo to visit any web page or open an email where an ad or a promotion on our products is published or services installed in your browser a cookie that serves to show further search related advertising you have done will develop a control our announcements regarding, for example, the number of times you are seen, where they appear, to when they are, etc.
Revocation and removing cookies
You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options installed on your computer, if you do not allow the installation of cookies on your browser you may not be able to access any of the sections of our web.
When using this service (virtual fitting Room) by uploading file images or by uploading images directly from your webcam or mobile device, you granted to Ethnic Soul a non-exclusive worldwide license with sublicense rights, free of intellectual property rights, storage, use, modification, public presentation, public display, reproduction, including the unlimited distribution of the images through any communication channel, networks Social or other analogues.