Premium Wood Sunglasses - Trends
The great trend of Root for 2019 in the collection of premium woods is minimalism in sustainable vanguard designs made by hand with wood of gr...
Wooden Sunglasses for Children
With the new collection of sunglasses MIXED x KIDS with natural wooden temples, we respond to this concern of fathers and mothers who are made...
Vintage Wood - MIXED Wooden Glasses
Sunglasses with wooden sideburns from the MIXED MX collection in which we have decorated the sideburns with a Vintage effect
Road Trip to MOMAD Madrid F19
As a brand, we design sunglasses and natural wood watches that are fun, elegant, modern and up-to-date, but we also want to encourage a consum...
Steel Nature - New in Wood Watches
The Steel Natura Collection is the natural evolution of Root Sunglasses & Watches wooden watches that complements our complete collection of w...
Browse through our catalog and get a DISCOUNT -20%
Browse our catalog of natural sunglasses , find the DISCOUNT CODE valid in more than 50 models divided between collections Sunglasses of ...
Services: Repair & Recycle
From now before you buy one of our wooden sunglasses or watches a commitment to repair and recycle our natural wood products
Wooden glasses for prescription lenses
Is it possible to mount Graduated lenses in the frames of the Root Sunglasses? Some of you may already have noticed that on our website we hav...
Personalized Gifts: Eco-Sustainable they are Better.
Root Basic Series Natural Wood Watches can be customized in several different ways that can be combined with each other