Sunglasses made of Wood, Mixed and Mixed Premium
More than 50 Models of Sunglasses in which to get a DISCOUNT OF 20%
Browse our catalog of natural sunglasses , find the DISCOUNT CODE valid in more than 50 models divided between collections Sunglasses of Natural Wood , Mixed and Mixed Premium our website and get one of those models with a DISCOUNT ADDITIONAL 20% by entering in the shopping cart the discount code that you will see in the models of glasses selected for this promotion.
All you have to do is browse the catalog of Sunglasses, if the model you're looking at is included in the promotion , a BANNER will appear with the image that we show you:
then you read in the same BANNER the promotion information and see the DISCOUNT CODE you must enter in the box "Discount Code" in the paso1 the shopping cart when you go to checkout to benefit from a ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT of 20% on that and any other model of sunglasses that are part of the promotion and that you have added to the shopping cart.
take advantage, you can not miss the opportunity to have your Natural Wood Glasses with FREE SHIPPING and an EXCLUSIVE GIFT COVER at an exceptional price.